By Cecil F. Cox We hear much today about those who are anti-cooperation. This is a charge that is usually leveled against those who are opposed to the “sponsoring church” type of cooperation. This is, of course, a false and prejudicial charge. To be “anti-cooperation” would be to oppose congregations cooperating. So the charge of anti-cooperation …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
In The Spirit of Peace!
By W.G. “Bert” Enostacion The values on what our Lord Jesus imparted in Matthew 16:24, was a simple “detachment” from self as the way to happiness that lasts. If we want to keep a warm and healthy relationship with others, we should adopt another axiom instilled by the Apostle Paul in Philippians 2:1-5, that of putting …
Will Matthew 19:9 Fit Into Romans 14?
By Edward O. Bragwell, Sr. Recently, I have been asked several times what I thought about Romans 14. I have read a lot of what has been written (including various commentaries) and have heard some preaching on the subject lately in view of the marriage-divorce question. I have yet to hear or read any exegesis of …
Philippine Profiles (1) “My Heart’s Desire…”
By Jim McDonald I met Domingo Dangiwang in May 1994. He attended a lectureship Ken Marrs and I held in Tuguegarao, Cagayan. He was a Catholic when I met him and although there were several who were baptized during the days of that lecture-ship, Domingo declined. The day following the end of our lectureship Rody Gumpad …
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