By Dorris V. Rader Two neatly dressed young men came calling at my door a few days ago. They were very polite and courteous. After giving their names, they quickly commented about a sticker near the door that gave warning to any would-be burglars. They inquired if I had considered why we have need for such …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
Ichabod in the Pulpit?
By Mike Vestal The name “Ichabod” means “without glory” or “the glory has departed” (1 Sam. 4:20-21). How we should all pray that Ichabod never enters the pulpit! After all, preaching Jesus Christ necessitates proclaiming a message that glorifies and exalts him as Lord, and that remembers what he has done for sinful man (1 Cor. …
“Does Man Have to Sin?”
By Leslie E. Sloan Sin is the universal problem of man. Ever since the transgression in the Garden of Eden, all men (with one exception) have become guilty before God through sin (Rom. 3:23; 1 John 1:8-10). And just like Satan’s deception through human reasoning then, men are induced to accept his lies now. Sin is …
That Vulgar “B” Word
By John Wallace Call it a fetus, an embryo, a blob of tissue or a product of conception, but don’t use the profane ‘B” word. It’s the worst vulgarity, almost as bad as saying marriage, family, or husband. It must be eradicated from our dictionaries and its users’ mouths washed with abortionists’ soap. The reality that …