Is This All of the Package?

By Lewis Willis Many years ago, a controversy raged in the Lord’s church over church treasury support of human institutions, such as colleges. Faithful brethren contended in those days that there were many other practices, some quite unexpected, that would ultimately be introduced into the practice of those liberal congregations which supported the institutions. Gospel …

“Then Paul Stood Up, And Beckoning With His Hand”

By Johnie Edwards  Most effective speakers gesture. A gesture is defined by The American Heritage College Dictionary as “a motion of the limbs or body made to express thought or to empha- size speech.” Surely every gospel preacher should want to emphasize his sermon. Let’s take a look to see what the Bible teaches about …

“The Rumors of My Demise’’

By Connie W. Adams Mark Twain, upon hearing that news was circulating about his death, wrote a notice which said, “The rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated.” Every now and then someone connected with the institutional folks pronounces the death of what they call “the anti movement.” The most recent announcement of this appeared …