By Jim McDonald “And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: and Jesus also was bidden, and his disciples, to the marriage”( John 2:1f). Inasmuch as God himself saw the need that man has for a mate and filled that need with the creation …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
Hell Hath No Fury
By Steve Willis This is from a review of a review of their new publication: The Mystery of Salvation. The book has not been available to the reviewers at the time of writing, but this is based on interviews and reports from England: “On the 11th day of January, Anno Domini MCMX- CVI, the Doctrine …
Occasions of Stumbling
By Daniel H. King Sr. Those of us who are a little bit clumsy will understand perfectly why it is that we have stumbled or fallen. Some- one else always causes it. They leave things lying about in all the wrong places! Living-room tables are the most notious culprits. Whoever first thought of them was …
Perversions of the Gospel
By James P. Needham Social gospelism invaded Protestant ism in the early 19th century in Europe and eventually spread throughout the Protestant churches everywhere. It followed on the heels of what is known as modernism. Modernism is a philosophy of biblical interpretation that denies that the Bible presents a divine pattern of authority, thus man …