By John A. Welch We can learn as much from the Lords parables by studying them in sets, as we can by looking at them individually. Indeed, we can often lose much of the Lord’s lesson by failing to consider the parables, as He taught them, in a consecutive order as a group. We will look …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
Off to the Philippines
By Dudley R. Spears At 3:45 EST on April 2 of this year, brother fames P. Needham and I will begin our journey toward the Philippine Islands. There we will work for four weeks among the brethren. It will be our primary objective to encourage them by stirring up their pure minds, provoking them to love …
EDITORIAL — Brother Inman’s Woes
By Cecil Willis Brother Clifton Inman, Editor of the Bible Herald which is published in Parkersburg, West Virginia, is upset. He seems to be having trouble getting some of his brethren to believe him and to take him seriously when he tells them that Ohio Valley College does not accept funds from church treasuries. The drive …
The New Testament Church
By A. C. Grider Christ said he would build His church (Matt. 16:18). That he built it is evidenced by the fact that Luke says He added people to it day by day as they were being saved, (Acts 2:47). This church is the body of Christ and He is the head of it, (Eph. 1:22-23). …