What’s Your Question? — Bible Answers to Bible Questions.

By James P. Neddham QUESTION: What is the difference between a church’s receiving funds for evangelism from a trust or a foundation, and its receiving money for evangelism from another church as is practiced in the Herald of Truth? -Tenn. ANSWER: The difference is very basic: a foundation or trust fund is the carrying out of …

Is Sprinkling Acceptable?

By Donald Willis A young New York Life Insurance salesman, a member of the Methodist Church, recently responded in a home study, “I can see that the Lord ordained immersion, but how does one know that sprinkling is not acceptable?” After due consideration, I recalled a statement often written into insurance policies, “This Company is not …

“The Model Church of Christ, or the Modern Church of Christ, Which?”

By C. D. Plum 1. What do we mean by the model Church of Christ? (1) We mean that one body, the church Jesus established, the pattern (Ps. 127: 1, Matt. 16:18, Eph. 4:4, Col. 3:15). (2) We mean the God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, New Testament style church, without human frills or fancies added by men, …