A Notable Miracle?

By Vernon Love “The Marked Tree Church of Christ, 409 Broadway, Marked Tree, Ark. offers $1000 cash to any modern day faith heater, who can perform a bonafide miracle, like the New Testament miracles, (as in Acts 4:16), upon a local resident, who has been examined before and after by two reputable physicians.” This challenge was …

Set for the Defense — Review of the “Jesus Only” Doctrine

By Larry Hafley Introduction A copy of a tract published by the United Pentecostal Church, P.O. Box 879, Makati Rizal D-708, Republic of the Philippines, entitled, “Mystery of All Mysteries God in Christ,” has been sent to me by a Christian in the Philippines with the request that I review it. The tract teaches that there …

EDITORIAL — The Taproot of Digression (IV)

By Cecil Willis In the previous articles in this series, we have shown that the basic fallacy of digression is its denial that the New Testament was intended by God to reveal a binding pattern for the church to follow for all time to come. We have discussed the positions of the Disciples of Christ, then …