The Preterist View Heresy (VIII)

By Bill Reeves In this eighth and final article in a series on Max Kings The Spirit Of Prophecy, we notice briefly his case for Daniels prophecy on the 70 weeks (9:24-27). King has much to say about this prophecy throughout his book and lectures. The interpretations of this prophecy are legion, and it is not …

Editorial – On Calling a Brother a Lizard (III)

By Cecil Willis In this series of articles, I have been attempting to show why I referred to Brother Reuel Lemmons, Editor of the Firm Foundation, as being like a Chameleon. Some have criticized me and said that I was being too hard on Brother Lemmons. Brother Lemmons is a man of considerable influence, and I …

The Preterist View Heresy (II)

By Bill Reeves King versus Jesus, on Matt. 22:23-33. King, like the Sadducees of old, denies a general resurrection of individual dead bodies.” A-194 No wonder, then, that this passage gives him trouble. But, give King credit: he does meet it head on in his book, although he employs his customary sophistry to set aside its …