Everything You Need to Know to Stay Married and Like It

By Bennard R. Wiese and Urban G. Steinmetz. According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census in 1967 one marriage in four is broken up by divorce. There are other marital troubles where the marriage may be legally intact but internally wrecked. The problem of marriage is really a problem of staying married. This book is …

Men and Their Movements

By James W. Adams Religious movements are begun, perpetuated, and consummated by men. We refer to movements purely human in character. Such movements, like rivers, never rise above their sources; their course is ever downward unless elevated by alien elements. They degenerate. Since movements do not rise above their sources in character, but manifest instead the …

Some Thoughts about Church Bulletins

By Norman E. Fultz Like most other preaching brethren, each week I receive a large number of bulletins from churches throughout several states. Some of these I requested, others I just happened to be receiving. They serve a useful purpose to one who is interested in knowing something about how the Lord’s work is progressing in …

What About Confession at the Altar?

By Irvin Himmel Some man-made churches include in their services what they refer to as “altar call.” Instead of inviting sinners to “obey the gospel” (Rom. 10: 16; 1 Pet. 4: 17; 2 Thess. 1: 7), they invite them to “come, kneel at the altar, confess your sins, and pray through.” The New Testament knows nothing …