An Introduction to The Book of Revelation (I)

By Ferrell Jenkins The proper study of any book begins with survey of its background. A consideration of the author, the date of composition, and the people addressed, and the purpose of the book is of utmost importance if one expects to understand it properly. In addition to these general areas of investigation, some books have …

“Law and Grace”

By Lindy McDaniel Trying to harmonize the concepts of “law” and “grace” has been a difficult task for Bible students for hundreds of years. The difficulty primarily centers on the writings of Paul, and especially as students grapple with the problem of harmonizing Paul’s writings with those of James. Paul wrote: “For we maintain that a …

The Purpose of This Series of Articles

By James W. Adams It has been said, “No wind is favorable to a ship without a destination.” Many times, why a thing is done is quite as important as what is done. There is enough controversy among brethren without my adding to it with a series of articles written for no higher purpose than to …

“Now It Is Different”

By Earl E. Robertson Edward T. Hiscox, in his book, Standard Manual For Baptist Churches, says on page 22, under the heading of “Church Membership,” “It is most likely that in the Apostolic age when there was but ‘one Lord, one faith, and one baptism’ and no differing denominations existed, the baptism of a convert by …