An Introduction to the Book of Revelation (III)

By Ferrell Jenkins The Late Date Before the end of the second century Irenaeus spoke of the vision of the Apocalypse and said that it “was seen no very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitians’ reign.” (Against Heresies V: xxx: 3.) Domitian reigned from 81 A.D. to the latter …

An Introduction to the Book of Revelation

By Ferrell Jenkins The Date The date of the writing of Revelation is important. A number of significant points hinge on the date. The book has been placed in the reigns of several Roman emperors including Claudius, Nero, Trajan and Domitian. Some modern scholars have even suggested the reign of Vespasian as the time of writing.19 …

The Living Bible Paraphrased

By J. Noel Merideth Kenneth Taylor, president of his own Wheaton-based publishing Company, Tyndall House, published The Living Bible Paraphrased in 1971. Taylor says he began his project so his children (now numbering ten) could better understand the Bible. He began the task fourteen years earlier while commuting on the Chicago and North Western Railway – …

Tell Us It Is Not So

By Cecil Willis Occasionally there are reports heard that one hopes are untrue. Such is my attitude toward a report made by Leroy Garrett concerning a discussion that he had a few months ago with Bill Wallace, Editor of the Gospel Guardian. In the September, 1972 issue of Restoration Review which Leroy Garrett edits, Brother Garrett …