By James W. Adams Briefly stated in Ketcherside’s own words, his theory of New Testament fellowship can be summed up in the alliterative slogan, “One fact James W. Adams and one act.” Note a recently published P.O. Drawer “H” statement from our brother concerning his views: “We are called into this fellowship of the Son, by …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
Love Vaunteth Not Itself
By Cecil Willis In his great and comprehensive description of love, the apostle Paul states, “love vaunteth not itself” (1 Cor. 13:4). Yet some of the reports of some brethren sound a little like they are “tooting their own horn.” The reports of their evangelistic successes are so embellished that they are reminiscent of an observation …
He Is Able
By Mason Harris The Israelites had gained permission to leave Egypt, but Pharaoh changed his mind and pursued after them. And it is written concerning them, “they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord, because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the …
Spiritual Outlaws
By William C. Sexton In the early Western United States, there was a character who still lives in history-the outlaw. He was and is a creature who operates outside the law. He refuses to be governed by the law. He does what he wants to and takes what he is “big enough” to take, using whatever …