“Brethren, We Are Drifting”

By Larry Ray Hafley Brother J. D. Tant used to warn and exhort, “Brethren, we are drifting.” The late and lamented W. W. Otey once wrote a lengthy series of articles on “Trends.” The practice of these men does not establish the way of truth, but their admonition to beware of gradually slipping away (“drifting”) from …

“Blessed Are the Meek”

By Eugene Britnell The Sermon on the Mount is truly the masterpiece of the ages. It was delivered by one whose ability, as a teacher was so great that he was frequently called “The Teacher.” We cannot question the clarity, sincerity, practicality and authority by which he spake. Concerning this great sermon, the multitude said, “He …

A Lexical Aid to the “New” Language of Ashdod

By Bruce Edwards, Jr. Among the intelligensia of the modern denominational world there have rarely been those who seriously questioned as improper their usage of such Biblical terms as “fellowship,” “pastor,” “church,” etc. Such terminology is employed frequently by Baptists, Catholics, Pentecostals, et at., without the slightest consideration as to their proper scriptural application. “Fellowship” may …