Appeal to Edward Fudge (IV): “The Same Gospel”?

By Ron Halbrook POINT 5: Our brother’s statement in the Aug. 3, 1972, Guardian is confusing, bewildering, and capable of leading souls into error. If anything ever needed clarifying, this does. Referring to an “Elder” S. N. McCann, our brother wrote, “The author worshipped with people known as German Baptist Brethren. He preached the gospel, the …

Editorial – Continuing an Unpleasant Task

By Cecil Willis In Truth Magazine (April 26, 1973), I wrote an article entitled “Tell Us It Is Not So.” This article was not summarily written, nor was it precipitously published. It was written only after several years of deliberation. It was not published until several other brethren of great knowledge and experience, and to whose …

Things Written Aforetime – A Faith That Grows

By Joe Neil Clayton When Paul wanted to define the faith that saves, he resorted to illustration. He said, “. . . Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness. Know therefore that they that are of faith, the same are sons of Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the …

What Good Is Advertising?

By Jack Gibbert I confess to moments when I wonder what possible good advertising on the back pages of Truth Magazine and other papers does. I find myself mumbling to myself, “who reads them?” or for that matter, who cares?” In more enjoyable moments I find myself reflecting on the numerous blessings the Haygood congregation in …