Ketchersideism’s Appeal

By Herschel Patton We have been saddened lately by a few brethren, mostly among the young, abandoning strict adherence to a “thus saith the Lord” and casting their lot with liberal brethren, even to the extent of “open fellowship” with the denominations – as advocated by Carl Ketcherside. Several young preachers, who were brought up on …

The Watchtower Gospel (Part I ): Origin, Soul and Spirit

By Ronald D. Howes In the front of the rising tide of Satan’s servants, one will find the hard-selling, pamphlet-passing servants of the Watchtower. They are well-trained, attractively dressed and smooth talking. They keep right up with the latest techniques of salesmanship and are fantastically successful in doing their job. The Organization, as seen today, exists …

A “Hang-over”: Described and Explained

By Cecil Willis Alcohol consumption probably is at an all-time high. The last figures that I have immediately available show that Americans consume yearly an average of 28 gallons of beer per man, woman, and child. The whiskey, rum, and brandy upon which taxes are paid amount to four gallons per year per man, woman, and …