By Irvin Himmel When pioneer preachers thundered the plea for the restoration of first-century Christianity across America, they urged that men “speak where the Scriptures speak, and be silent where the Scriptures are silent.” They insisted, “Let us do Bible things in Bible ways, and call Bible things by Bible names.” Another slogan heard often in …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
The Right Prescription
By Bruce James A few weeks ago I was discussing salvation with a friend of mine that is a member of the Baptist church. He said that he believed that as different doctors prescribe different medicine for the same illnesses, so this was also possible in the salvation of one’s soul. One preacher might prescribe faith …
The Rationale of The Tolerant
By Warren E. Berkley The idea of sinking all our differences into a sea of “love” and sweet tolerance and uniting in division seems to be rapidly reaching every part of the religious world. Denominational bodies who have formerly harbored revenge are now skillfully defending latitudinarianism and independence of belief. Even some who have been enslaved …
The Thunderous Silence of God!!
By Ron Halbrook If you have not read Joe Neil Clayton’s Thunderous Silence Of God, brother you are missing a real treat. Much that we read brings tears to our eyes like those of Jeremiah for the drifting of God’s people. No one asked us to write this commendation; we cannot help writing it in these …