By Roland Worth, Jr. God has revealed all that we need in regard to our religion (2 Pet. 1:3). Therefore there is no reason to expect His endorsement when we add things to our religion that He has not authorized. Likewise, it follows that God is antagonized when men omit what He wants done. Yet we …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
Making Merchandise of Brethren
By Jeffery Kingry “There shall be false teachers among you . . . and many shall follow their pernicious ways: by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: Whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their …
The Indestructibility of the Bible
By Cecil Willis We want to discuss the most remarkable book the world has ever known. One of the claims which the Bible makes for Itself -is that It can’ never be destroyed. The abundance of copies of the Scriptures now available is abundant proof that It has made good Its claim. In many passages the …
State of The Church
By Luther Blackmon I listened the other night to the president’s “State of the Union Message.” As a citizen I am understandably concerned about the state of the Union. But I am more concerned about the state of the church. Earthly governments come and go. No matter how. long it may stand, this .nation of ours …