Lindy McDaniel and Our “Doctrinal” Differences

By Cecil Willis There have been a good many rumors, and a considerable stir, about the fact that I added the word “doctrinal” into an article written by Lindy McDaniel in the last issue of Pitching For the Master to be published by the Cogdill Foundation. It is true that I added the word “doctrinal” to …

Franklin Camp’s Book on the Holy Spirit: Reviewed by James R. Cope

By James R. Cope Six hours of daily Bible study for 36 years is the background of The Work of the Holy Spirit in Redemption, 274 pages, cloth bound, by Franklin Camp. This production. lays the axe to the root of every aspect of “Pentecostalism” inside and. outside the church. Unlike many writers, the author ignores …

The Instrumental Music Controversy in the Restoration Movement

By Daniel Petty One of the greatest battles ever fought during the Restoration Movement of the nineteenth century was the controversy over the introduction of instrumental music in the worship of the church. It is the purpose of this paper to 1)resent the controversy as it first began, to notice the arguments concerning the silence of …

Approved Examples and Fellowship

By Mike Willis Some who are presently seeking to unify the various segments of the “restoration movement” have concluded that men can be united if they will only consider as necessary for extending fellowship to an individual his obedience to the commandments of Jesus and leave as matters of opinion such items as are taught by …