Letters of Ordination

By Steve Roe According to the United States Navy there are three religions that cover all matters pertaining to God: Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish. If a person was not Catholic, Jewish, or heathen, he was referred to as Protestant and subsequently followed the Protestant rules set down in the Chaplain’s Manual. All religious matters aboard ship …

Watergate: Demonstration of National Illness

By Jimmy Tuten, Jr. Isaiah 1:2-3 records God’s message to the people of Judah. The context then displays lamentation of Isaiah over the people’s wickedness and impenitence. As a nation they had been called to holiness, but had sunk in sin and wickedness. They were literally laden with guilt and iniquity. Isaiah says, “oh, sinful nation, …

Spiritual Gifts (IV): Gifts of Prophecy and Discernment

By Bruce Edwards, Jr. The next pair of spiritual gifts in Paul’s catalogue in 1 Cor. 12:8-11 concerns prophecy and the discernment of spirits. A study of “prophecy” is particularly relevant today, not only because of the Charismatic Movement, but also with respect to the conviction of many sincere brethren that Paul’s discourse regarding the veil …