As I Think on These Things

By Steve Wolfgang A fundamental tenet of those who advocate “unity in diversity” (actually, a unity of belief based on conforming views of several issues which are uniformly considered paramount by these individuals) is the repudiation of the so-called “Restoration Principle.”(1) This is by no means a novel idea or new position in the “Restoration Movement;” those …

A Review of a Review! New American Standard Version (I)

By Luther W. Martin In 1973, Brother Foy E. Wallace, Jr., published `A Review of The New Versions.” The 2nd printing, which I have, contains 652 pages plus Addenda. There is no question but what Brother Wallace has assembled into one volume much valid and worthwhile material, relative to the modern versions and translations. And, with …

Matthew 24:20 and the Sabbath

By Larry Ray Hafley “And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter,’ neither on the Sabbath” (Mt. 24:20). Seventh Day Adventists argue that since the destruction of Jerusalem was after Christ built His church, that the warning in Matthew 24:20 is proof that Christians were bound to observe the Sabbath after the “new …