By Victorio R. Tibayan The Filipino Christian’s growth in the knowledge of the doctrine of Christ which is directed towards maturity in the `;faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints” is the immediate need of the day. This is implicitly founded on the fact of, (1) The religious confusion bordering on or outright …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
Regarding “Faith Magazine”
By Jack Gibbert An Open Letter To “Truth Magazine” & “Gospel Guardian “ February, 7, 1974 Dear Brethren, (Editor’s Note: The following letter from Brother Jack Gibbert is more than one year old. Keep in mind as you read the letter that the GOSPEL GUARDIAN now has a new Editor and new owners, and should be …
Faith in God
By Cecil Willis Last week we began our discussion of faith and pointed out that faith was nothing more than mental assent or intellectual persuasion to any given fact or promise which is outside the realm of the five senses, which faith is such that it must be based upon evidences presented. Since this faith which …
By Larry Ray Hafley QUESTION: From Texas: “It is agreed that Christians should marry Christians, but does `only in the Lord’ in 1 Cor. 7:39 mean only a Christian?” REPLY: “The wife is bound by the law as long. as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married …