History of the Church in Nashville and this Issue of Truth Magazine

By Ron Halbrook and Harry E. Ozment This issue of Truth Magazine carries articles by men in the Nashville area. Before moving to Nashville, the present writer knew of only one or two churches in this area holding to the old paths-though, in reality, there were many more. Our faith cannot stand in numbers, but we can …

The Baptists and the ‘Bus Ministry’

By Daniel H. King  During the last couple of years many of the brethren have become elated at a new device for drawing large crowds into their meeting houses-the bus ministry. Really though, there is not anything especially new about the device since the Baptists and other denominational folk have been using the system for years. …

“Why TarriestThou?”

By Donald P. Ames In Acts 22:16, Ananias asked Saul this important question that is equally important to many people today: “And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.” The very question itself carries with it a sense of urgency which, unfortunately, many …