By Ron Halbrook Yes, I. know many have not wanted to see any real problem on the grace-unity-fellowship error of recent times. Some no doubt thought it had been discussed enough, if not too much, after the first article was written on it. Others may feel the subject should have been brought out into the open, …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
Wanted alive: Churches of Christ
By Irvin Himmel What does it take to give life to a congregation? A fine building? A large membership? Wealth? Involvement in community projects? Special activities for the young? Dinners and parties? Recreation and frolic? Organized visitation? Zoning and committees? Vast outlays for general benevolence? Educational Directors, Associate Ministers, Secretaries, and Youth Directors? A kindergarten? Subsidizing …
Why one Man became an Atheist
By Roland Worth, Jr. In the December 6, 1959, issue of the Russian Communist publication Pravada, there appeared a major article on page four, entitled “Rejection of religion-the only correct course.” It was signed by Alexander Osipov, a prominent individual in the Greek Orthodox Church. He wrote, “Yes, I, Professor of Old Testament and Classical Hebrew …
Denominationalizing the Church (I)
By Roy E. Cogdill The church of the New Testament, designed by the God of heaven from eternity, built by the Lord Jesus Christ, and set forth in its identity by the Holy Spirit on the pages of New Testament teaching was not then, and is not now, if it exists upon this earth, any part …