Denominationalizing the Church (II)

By Roy E. Cogdill The undenominational character of the church revealed in the New Testament scriptures is easily apparent to unprejudiced minds.. The simplicity of it is evident. The government of God’s people can be set forth in a few simple sentences. The church is the spiritual body of .Christ and He is its head (Eph. …

Some Thought on Evangelism Where Saints Are Few

By James R. Cope During late June it was my pleasure to be with the few but faithful brethren meeting at 2309 Gates Drive, S. W., in Rochester, Minnesota. Presently consisting of ten men and twelve women, this congregation had its beginning three years ago with two women worshiping in a rented hotel groom in downtown …

What Justification by Faith Means

By Cecil Willis This is our last lesson on faith in this present series. We have studied the great theme of faith for eighteen issues and we now bring this particular study to a close with this week’s lesson, “What Justification by Faith Means.” The Bible very plainly teaches in many, many instances that one is …


By Larry Ray Hafley Question: From Illinois: “Col. 1:2,x-Matt. 24:14-Matthew says when this gospel is preached in all the world then shall the end come. In Colossians 1:23, the last part of the verse says, and which was preached to every creature.’ Now, isn’t this a contradiction?” Reply: Our querist presents a logical question based on …