By William C. Sexton It is such a grand privilege to be a child of God that each person ought to be challenged to ask: “Who may be a child of God? How may one become a child of God?” Each should ask, “What are the results of being a child of God?” Many have not …
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“Baptist Church” not the “Church of Christ”
By Thomas G. O’Neal Several months ago the following short article appeared in several church bulletins: PRE-CAMPBELL CHRISTIANITY “In a recent article this interesting quotation appeared as a documentary research of .Dr. Robinson, principal of Overdale College, Birmingham, England. “`In the Furness District of Lancashire-in N.W. England -there existed in 1669, during the reign of Charles …
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Wanted: Speech Seasoned with Salt
By Bruce Edwards, Jr. I wonder if anybody else is as tired of hearing about “ministries” as I am. For the past few years one could hardly pick up a “brotherhood” paper or bulletin without reading about some kind of “bus ministry,” “bookstore ministry,” “tract ministry” and on and on. This is of course true only …
The Big Church Syndrome
By John McCort There is a growing attitude among brethren that somehow big churches are detrimental to the growth of a Christian. Many brethren will split up a congregation that is just getting on its feet to, start another congregation. What you end up with is two small, .struggling churches which are accomplishing less than if …