Facts About The New Testament Church: The Relationships of the Church

By Jimmy Tuten, Jr. The New Testament church is a called out body of people who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. They were called by the Gospel of Christ (2 Thess. 2:14). Having responded to the call of God, members of the church were translated from darkness to light (Col. 1:13). They must …

To Eat or Not to Eat??!!

By Keith Clayton Don’t you think we ought to do as the first century Christians did! Doesn’t Acts 2:46 and 20:11 contain the authority for Saints’ gathering together for the purpose of consuming a common meal? What about the “love feast” that early Christians engaged in? These are a sample of the questions that are received …

Conversion: What Must I Do To Be Saved?

By Cecil Willis Our lesson this week is stated in the form of a question. It is “What must I do to be saved?” This is perhaps the most important question that an individual ever asks in his life, and yet one that is answered by more conflicting, and contradicting answers than any other single question. …