The Bible is the Word of God

By Wayne S. Walker The Bible claims to be “given by inspiration of God, and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works,” so said Paul in 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Peter informed us that the scriptures came into being …

Facts about the New Testament Church: The Work of the Church

By Jimmy Tuten, Jr. The church is a distinctive organization with a distinctive function. It has a purpose, a mission or a work to perform. In this writing we will be observing the work of the local church because the local church is the only functional organization of the church revealed in the New Testament. When …

Archaeology: Abram: The Man to Whom God Revealed Himself

By Daniel H. King A Clue From Joshua When Joshua gathered the tribes of Israel together at ancient Shechem, the aged solider and leader of the armies of God reminisced about Israel’s hoary past. But it was not altogether resplendent with glory. In the years before God’s revelation of Himself to Abram, there was no distinguishable …

UNITY: Organic Unity

By Roy E. Cogdill “There is one body” (Ephesians 4:4) The common conception among people in the religious world at large is that unity in organization-organic unity-is impossible. They talk about spiritual unity and organic division. As we have pointed out, the common idea is that all of the churches included in the broadest possible usage …