A Nutty Theory Still

By Luther Blackmon Empedocles suggested that the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water were played upon the forces of love and hate, producing plants, and that these plants budded off animals. Some of our brethren think that my attitude toward the theory of evolution reveals a state of 11 staggering ignorance,” and that some of …

Does “Psalmos” Justify Instrumental Music?

By John McCort The most popular argument used to justify instrumental music in worship is an argument drawn from the word “Psalms” (psalmos) in Eph. 5:19. The argument made is that in the Old Testament psalms were sung to an instrument of music. It is claimed that the instrument of music is inherent in the singing …

Why Denominations Exist (II)

By Dennis L. Shaver  In our last article we discussed two attitudes (ignorance and pride) which we believe are responsible for the existence and perpetuation of denominations. We will conclude this study in this article by dealing with two more attitudes which contribute to denominations’ existing. Denominations Exist Through Human Tradition Tradition has been a downfall …