Conversion: The Conversion of Lydia

By Cecil Willis This week we want to study the conversion of the woman, Lydia, found in Acts 16:5-15. This woman, Lydia, was a remarkable person. She has some very outstanding traits, which we must understand if we are to properly understand what follows. “And on the sabbath day we (that is, Paul, Silas and Luke) …

Evangelize and Edify

By George Welsh Tyler The congregations of the churches of Christ need not only the enlargement resulting from evangelism, but also the edification resulting from Christian nuture in truth. They cannot grow in one direction alone. They must grow both within and without. They must reach out to win the unsaved to the Lord Jesus Christ, …

Attitude toward Error

By Dennis C. Abernathy There is an attitude among us today that is growing ever more prevalent. It is manifest by statements such as: “I don’t like to worship there, they are too critical.” “There is too much name-calling in their preaching.” “Just preach the truth and leave everybody alone.” Now just think about this for …