By John Mc Cort In September of 1974 Cecil Willis and Jesse Jenkins met in Houston, Texas for a four night debate on the college question. It was announced during the debate that the discussion would be published. My wife was given the job of transcribing the debate. She began the actual transcription process in November …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
The Righteousness of the Kingdom of Heaven
By Keith Sharp Righteousness “. . is the character or quality of being right or just. . . “1 It “. . . consists in perfect conformity with God’s holy law, that is, with his will.”2 Thus, one is righteous who is “right according to the law,” either because he has never violated the law or …
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The Hebrews’ Excuses
By Thomas Icard At the time the book of Hebrews was written the church was being persecuted. Christianity was not the most popular religion of the day. The Jewish Sanhedrin was one of the great persecutions of the Lord’s church beginning with the arrest of Peter and John in Acts 4 and continuing still at the …
Faith in the Bible
By Cecil Willis A revelation is an “unveiling,” or “unfolding,” and divine revelation is God’s unveiling or unfolding of the truth regarding Himself in some manner and degree to the intelligence and heart of man. Only as He does thus unveil Himself does He become known to man. If such a God does exist, then it …