Agnostics on the Run

By L. A. Stauffer One of the foundation stones in the Garrett-Ketcherside theory of fellowship can accurately be called “agnosticism.” The word is from the Greek language and basically means “unknowing,” “unknown” or “not to know.” The classical use of the word describes folks who avow that one cannot know whether God exists. Believers say “God …

The Word Abused: 2 Thess. 3:6

By Mike Willis In the October, 1976 issue of Restoration Review, Editor Leroy Garrett examined another one of the abuses of the Scriptures which occur among brethren. Again, his purpose was to examine one of the verses used against false teachers, make it innocuous and replace it on the shelf. He has already written a treatise …

The Deity of Christ must be Confessed

By Ron Halbrook For the Truth’s sake, we should seek the lost. Many zealous religious people are among that number (Rom. 10:1-3) because they have not confessed the Deity of Jesus Christ. You must “confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus” by faith in him, to be saved (v.9). By faith, we must repent and be …

Mr. Ball is Not on the Ball

By Larry Ray Hafley “Mrs. (Gerald) Ford does not need our condemnation (for her widely publicized remarks about `affairs and abortion’); she needs our sympathy and our prayers in her behalf. We should pray that she would wake up to the need of sanctity of the home and proper example for our children. We should pray …