Sunday Evening Communion (III)

By Jimmy Tuten, Jr. We conclude our study of the second assembly communion with a discussion of the “One-Meeting” theory. According to this position there can be held, scripturally, only one service each Lord’s Day for the purpose of partaking of the Lord’s Supper in an individual congregation. Those who were unable to attend the meeting …

MIRACLES: The Duration of Miracles

By Cecil Willis We continue our study of miracles in this editorial with a study of the duration of miracles. By this, I merely mean, “How long were the miracles to last?” Many of the modern denominational bodies declare that miracles are still being performed today. Other individuals believe that miracles were for a definite purpose, …

Prayer in the Twentieth Century

By Mike Willis The disciples of Jesus were very much impressed by His practice and preaching regarding prayer. Frequently, Jesus resorted to some quiet place to pray (Mk. 1:35; Lk. 5:16). One of the most pointed passages in all of the New Testament pertained to the subject of prayer. Jesus related the parable of the unjust …