Is A Preacher “The” Minister?

By Irvin Himmel It is sometimes very difficult for a person to give up misconceptions, inaccurate expressions, and unscriptural ideas. It takes a depth of honesty and fair-mindedness which some people lack to completely lay aside all prejudice and allow the mind to be guided by the word of God. While we are declaring with the …

Is Every Saint A Preacher?

By Mike Willis There are several terms used in the New Testament to describe those who preach; each of these terms emphasizes some aspect of the work of the preacher. The word “preacher” (kerux ) means “herald, one who proclaims. preacher.” The word “evangelist” (euaggelistes ) refers to “a preacher of the gospel;” the word “gospel,” …

Is the Preacher the Pastor?

By Guthrie Dean Definition of Terms 1. Preacher. A preacher is a herald; one who gives a proclamation or message. Noah is referred to as a preacher of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5). Solomon calls himself a preacher (Ecc. 1:1). Jonah was a preacher (Jonah 3:2). Peter, James, John, Timothy, Paul and others were preachers. Paul said …

The Return of the Clergy

By Ron Halbrook Although the Protestant Reformation spoke of the priesthood of all believers, the Protestant systems -including American denominationalism-almost invariably created their clergies. For instance, William Paley, “Archdeacon of Carlisle,” delivered a sermon entitled, “A Distinction of Orders in the Church Defended Upon Principles of Public Utility,” given in the Castle Chapel, Dublin, “At the …