Practical Christianity (IV): Preacher Problems are Your Problems

By Jeffery Kingry The preacher had always been a very busy man. Between meetings, debates, writing, study, and time spent with preaching cronies little time was spent home with the family. The preacher’s wife made a life that cared for the more “mundane” parts of life without her husband. She had always been taught that it …

“Disciples” Move Over

By Luther Blackmon Following World War Two a wave of prosperity, unparalled in our recent history, swept over this land. Churches of Christ were able to reach towards objectives which were once as far away as the moon. But in religion, as in other areas of society, prosperity spawns its corresponding problems. Put a lot of …

I am not a Pastor, I am a Preacher!

By William J. Imrisek Words are merely symbols that convey meaning. They may signify objects, actions, abstract or concrete ideas and concepts, emotions and feelings, etc. Good communication depends upon speaking so as to be understood. As the apostle Paul recognized, “If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? So …

“Fellowship” as Used in 1 John 1

By Brooks Cochran One of the key words .in the epistle of 1 John is “fellowship.” The word in Greek is “koinonia.” Many think of church socials or “dinner on the ground” when they heard the word used. But John uses the term to carry the thought of a deep and mutual sharing. “Fellowship” is defined …