By Peter McPherson There is a connection between the recently advanced theory, as taught by a few fellows, of the “One Covenant,” “the law” and loose views on marriage, divorce and re- marriage. It’s on page 45 of Olan Hicks’ 1978 booklet on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage as he discusses Romans 7:1-4. In the course …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
Postmodernism: An Old Enemy in a New Suit
By David McClister The good news is that secular humanism is on the way out. The bad news is that something worse is taking its place. That something worse is called postmodernism. Modernism Before we can define and understand postmodernism, a few words about modernism, its precursor, are in order. “Modernism” is a term that …
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Question From the Internet
By Don Willis “My question about the Bible is: How many spiritual gifts can a believer get from God? What does the Bible say?” Reply There are many spiritual gifts, i.e., gifts from God. His love, his Son, his mercy, his gospel, his daily care, etc. Miraculous spiritual gifts are discussed in a few in- …
Why Did You Send For Me?
By Connie W. Adams On the instruction of an angel of God, Cornelius, the Roman centurion, sent men to Joppa to locate Simon Peter and bring him to the house of Cornelius. Peter himself had received a vision in which he was told not to call common or unclean what God had cleansed. The next …