By Ken Sils The writer of the book of Hebrews pleaded with Christians in the first century to place their heart and soul in faith for Jesus the Christ. The writer was aware of rumblings from several members of the church of Christ who were fading away from the faith, plunging headlong into worldliness or …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
“Titanic”: Phenomena or Failure
By Rodney Pitts Back a few months ago, I watched for the first time much of the Academy Awards. Although this is quite uncharacteristic of me, I became a bit interested in just how many awards the movie “Titanic” would receive. And, not to disappoint, Titanic received, I believe, eleven awards for its ground breaking …
“Legally Accurate”
By Valerie L. Durham So, does the preeminent Judge let the serpent off the hook, since everything he said was strictly true? Of course not! God saw through the deception and cursed the serpent. It is also prudent to note that the serpent is the father of “legal accuracy.” There is much talk today …
God Controls It All
By Forrest Morris The mighty grandeur of sitting sun, magnificently ends the day Lightning streaks across the sky, displaying it’s brilliant ray. Thunder finishes with drum-like roll, as raindrops start their fall And clouds unfold to reveal therein, mountain peaks so tall. Then in radiance, brightly lit, above the mountains high Hang the many countless …