By Connie W. Adam Having visited and preached in the Philippines in 1971 and again in 1975, I decided to go again to places where we had been before and include some new places, and see how they do (Acts 15:36). This trip was in response to repeated invitations from several places in the Philip- …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
The Advantages of Following Christ
By Mike Willis Why should I become a disciple of Jesus Christ? When so many in our society are choosing to live without a commitment to Jesus, it occurs to me that there might be some need to explain why we think there is an advantage to being a disciple of Christ by explaining what …
Nations That Forget God
By P.J. Casebolt “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Ps. 9:17). And we need to be concerned not only with the final destiny of such nations, but also with their present condition and standing in God’s sight. “But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before …
A Christian’s Proper Attitude Toward Government
By David Ferrell Recent events in Washington have led to an increase in political discussion among the brethren. Like everyone else, I have watched the “Washington Mess” with disgust. As the impeachment drama unfolded, I began to examine the Scriptures concerning what our attitude should be toward government in general, and toward President Clinton in …
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