By Mike Willis The ninth of the Ten Commandments reads, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour” (Exod. 20:16). Whereas the primary thrust of this commandment addresses the testimony that is given in legal cases, we should not limit its application to such things. In a positive statement, this passage commands men to …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
How Do You Do It?
By Stephen French How do you do it? This question, which refers to living and dealing daily with a tragedy and adversity in our lives, has been asked of me many times since July 1997 when my wife, Kathy, died in an auto accident. It is a question that I answer with confidence by simply …
Jerusalem Has Fallen
By Richie Thetford We have the written word to see that God most assuredly kept his promises in dealing with his own chosen people of long ago. In the same way, we can know that God will keep his promises in dealing with his people today. Jeremiah is overcome with emotion as he writes the …
Remembrances of James R. Cope
By Harry Osborne At the passing of influential brethren, the words of David in mourning for Abner are often heard: “Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel?” (2 Sam. 3:38). It is not a stretch of language to use these words in reference to the …