“Holy and Reverend Is His Name”

By Greg Litmer The book of Psalms is filled with exuberant expressions of praise to God. His various attributes are exalted and his wonderful works and blessings are gratefully acknowledged. Along with the recognition of his majesty, the book of Psalms exhorts to practical application of that recognition. Let’s look at an example of what …

Do They Give Us A Clue?

By Harry Osborne The biblical account of creation is initially set forth in simple narrative form in Genesis 1-2. The account shows every sign of being an historical narrative to be under- stood in its literal and obvious sense. Dealing fairly with the text itself demands one acknowledge that the first readers would have concluded …

The Law, Money and Modesty

By Frank Jamerson Paul wrote the Romans that “whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (Rom. 15:4). He had earlier written, in the same epistle, that they had “died to the law through the body (death) of Christ” (Rom. …