By P.J. Casebolt “Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? For it is written . . .” (Gal. 4:21, 22). The Galatians had already heard the message of Christ and him crucified (Gal. 3:1), and Paul marveled that they had been “so soon removed . . …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
The Length Of A Sermon
By Johnie Edwards Some are critical of those who preach short sermons! I for one, do not believe that a gospel preacher should be limited to the length of his sermon. This article takes a look at the length of a sermon. The Length of the New Testament The New Testament I am using in …
Marriage Arrangements Planned by Parents
By Harry Persaud My dear beloved brethren: I am indeed perplexed over a most ungodly condition which is very prominent in our nation today. For example, the rapid rate of increase in divorce, abortion, and premarital sex statistically is alarming. We may well ask who or what is responsible for this deteriorating condition, which continues …
Individual Cups on the Table
I’m told the congregation was formed about 1911. It was the result of instrumental music being brought into the local “Christian Church.” Some of my relatives had been charter members. Now several decades later I was preaching there two Sundays per month. I understand that from the beginning, the Lord’s supper had been served using …