By Earl Robertson
Courage is not always easily found even among the people who claim to be followers of the Lord. Though many of the Lord’s people were among the most courageous, at the same time others were fearful. The return of the spies from Canaan illustrates this point well. In the midst of the protests made by the ten spies with the evil report, Joshua and Caleb pleaded, “We are well able to overcome it.” Their faith and courage made them cry out saying, “The Lord will bring us into this land, and give it to us” (see Num. 13).
Being in the minority did not cause them to remain silent; they both believed God and had the courage to defy the people who has ceased to walk by faith. People today know many times what is true and right, but do not have the moral courage to act in harmony with their inward awareness. Many in the churches are following the current; their courage is not sufficient to cause them to stand and plead for what is right and then do it. I know people who not only know within themselves that their religious practices are not in harmony with the Scriptures but also express such feelings, but they do not have the courage to correct them or else get out and go where they can work for and worship God correctly.
Many Christians in the churches that give monetary support to human organizations such as missionary societies and benevolent societies, have been heard to say, “When this church gives money to the colleges I will leave it.” However, the progressive nature of apostasy conditions people to accept one apostasy after another. The time has come when this practice has become a regular thing among just such people, but they have not made the change! Get the courage to do what is right!
Truth Magazine XXIII: 45, p. 731
November 15, 1979