By Tom Roberts My worst fears are being realized in that, as the debate advances, Vance is progressing deeper into error, affirming a position with dreadful consequences of feminine equality and denial of eldership oversight which some will accept. The negative requires that I answer his material yet not allow him to side-track me into debating …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
I Have Sinned
By Larry Ray Hafley The statement of our title appears only a few tunes in the Bible. Achan, Saul, David and the wandering, squandering son all said, “I have sinned” (Josh. 7:20; 1 Sam. 15:24; 2 Sam. 12:13; Lk. 15:18). How often have you said it? Perhaps, like myself, you have not said it often enough. …
Are We Taking the Backbone Out of the Church of Christ
By Mickey Galloway In referring to the backbone of the church I have in mind the firmness, the moral courage, the stand for the truth, the spine of the church itself. There are certain “straws” that we should be alarmed about because they are breaking the church’s back. What are some of these “straws”? Sin Is …
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A Review of the Padfield-Deaver Debate On Limited Benevolence
By Karl Diestelkamp It has been many, many years since we, in the greater Chicago land area, have had an opportunity to attend a debate between brethren occupying different positions in reference to the benevolent work of the church. David Padfield of Zion, Illinois, met Mac Deaver of Wellington, Texas, June 20, 21, 23 and 24, …
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