Extremes Concerning the Church: Ekklesia

By Tom M. Roberts One of the curses of every generation is the cause and effect, action and reaction of religious extremism. Rendering it difficult to achieve objective biblical understanding, extremism pushes and pulls one like a pendulum on a clock: back and forth, back and forth. Those caught in this vicious cycle are condemned to …

The Restoration Plea: An Appeal for Bible Unity

By Mike Willis In recent years, several major publications among our liberal brethren have issued a call for a new hermeneutic. The old hermeneutic is rejected. The restoration plea is castigated as backward looking and divisive. In calling for unity-in-diversity, the restoration plea is thrown aside. Several historians assert that there are two sides to the …

The Third Affirmative

By Vance . E. Trefethen Fellowship. Had I wanted to debate fellowship, I would have put it in the proposition. Leadership and authority. The argument that leader-ship requires private decision-making for others is wrong. Many leaders (e.g., evangelists, Bible class teachers) don’t privately decide collective activity. The negative assumes leaders privately decide everything, and since elders …