Roberts Trefethen Debate on the Role of the Elders: Second Negative

By Vance E. Trefethen The Problem Grows: When elders privately decide all matters of collective and individual judgment for others (2A, 6 19), the plane has landed in Boston. We’re told elders may decide whether a member needs circumcision (1st Debate, 2N, 67). If the saint disagrees, they cite Hebrews 13:17 and decide for him (2 …

Roberts-Trefethen Debate On the Role of Elders: Second Affirmative

By Tom Roberts My first affirmative showed that the definitions of scriptural terms (bishops, elders, etc.) permitted elders to “exercise the oversight” (1 Pet. 5:3), thereby empowering them to make private decisions on behalf of the congregation. Now we will prove in a Scripture study that elders actually did make decisions “before and without” calling together …

Roberts-Trefethen Debate On the Role of Elders: First Affirmative

By Tom M. Roberts Proposition: “Resolved: The Scriptures teach that the elders of a local church are authorized to assemble privately to make decisions in matters of judgment for the local church before and without calling together the whole congregation.” Definitions: “The Scriptures,” the 66 books of the Bible. “Teach,” instruct by commands, approved examples or …