By Hoyt Houchen Jesus inquired of his disciples: “Who do men say that the Son of man is?” (Matt. 16:13) The disciples responded with some existing views: “Some say John the Baptist; some Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets” (v. 14). Different views of Jesus are also prevalent now. The nature of Christ …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Matchless Love of Jesus
By Steve Wallace The Word of God tells of the matchless love of Christ which we celebrate in song. Indeed the Bible’s portrayal of the love of Christ is one which shows it to be unlike any love known to man. We could examine Christ’s love from the standpoint of the effects it has had on …
Jesus, The Son of God
By Bob Owen By the standards of the world, my college professor was an unusually “nice guy.” Holding a Ph.D. in Theology from a major European university and being a licensed, ordained minister in a major denomination, and heading the Religion Department in a major state university, surely he is representative of mainstream attitudes for religious …
Jesus, The Sinless One
By Harold Fite Did Jesus live on this earth without sin? Was he tempted as we are tempted? Was it possible for him to sin? These questions and their answers lie at the very heart of our salvation. If Jesus had committed one sin, he could not have been the Saviour of the world! If it …