By Frank Jamerson There are three attitudes that men have about assurance in Christ, and those attitudes have great influences on how we respond to God’s will. We will summarize those attitudes by the words: impossible, probable, and possible. Impossibility of Apostasy First notice the attitude of impossibility of apostasy. Some believe that if you have …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Jesus, The Humble Servant
By Barney Keith In the person of Jesus Christ one can see the meaning of true humility. It is unfortunate that some have a wrong concept of this admirable virtue. Humility is not an inferiority complex that causes one to shrink from action. It is not being shy or embarrassed in the presence of others. Nor …
The Good Shepherd
By Bobby L. Graham “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd layeth down his life for the sheep” (Jn. 10:11, ASV). These heart-tugging words of our Lord, couched in the midst of a rather lengthy section concerning his shepherding care, set him in definite contrast with the selfish hirelings among the Pharisees, who had rigorously …
A Moral Lesson From Our Nations Tragedy!
By Kenneth D. Sils A few weeks ago, many American’s sat riveted to their chairs as we watched with horror the events taking place in Union County, South Carolina concerning Susan Smith and the murder of her two young boys. She told the media that her car was highjacked with her children in it and we …