By Joe R. Price The following announcement was seen in a recent bulletin from the Salt Lake Valley Church of Christ: Please don’t feed the ants: Anyone who brings food into the building is asked to be mindful of the fact that we have a severe ant problem. Please be sure to clean up the area …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Preacher’s House
By J. Wiley Adams Most of the time the above title will be a misnomer for many preachers will never own the houses they live in here and there as they do local work. It is a common practice for many local churches to buy a residence for whoever is preaching for them to live in. …
The Disciple and His Master
By P.J. Casebolt “The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his Lord. It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master . . .” (Matt. 10:24,25). In its Bible usage, the term disciple is easily defined, both in the original language and in English. A disciple is a learner, …
Stirring Up the Members
By Ron Halbrook As the church here at West Columbia continues to grow spiritually and numerically, new challenges and opportunities arise which require good leadership on the part of the elders. As one avenue of communication with the flock, the elders at times send letters to all the members of the church. They recently sent a …