His Commandments Are Not Grievous

By Mike Willis For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous (1 John 5:3). Sometimes weak Christians began thinking that the Lord’s commandments are an opprobrious burden that imposes itself on them. When they dwell on this, they sometimes begin resenting the impositions that God makes …

Confronting the Religion of Islam (I) The Beginnings of Islam

By Bob Pulliam In combating the errors of Islam one needs ammunition. A great source of power against this rapidly growing religion is the truth behind its origins. For this reason, we offer a brief look at the founder of Islam and the god of Islam. In the next two issues of Guardian of Truth we …

Preaching That Preachers Must Give and Christians Must Demand

By Donnie V. Rader Preaching is important. It helps make us what we are. If we feed upon weak preaching, we will be weak. If we feed upon strong preaching, our lives will correspond to that. If the preaching is out of balance, we can become out of balance as well. Let’s consider a few points …

Is Sincerity Sometimes Enough?

By Stan Cox Christians have long objected to the demands for union and tolerance among the denominations. We have rightly pointed out that sincerity is simply not sufficient in deter-mining acceptance before the Almighty. The claim that as long as a person is sincere in his worship, he is accepted by God does not jibe with …