By Lewis Willis The August 1992 issue of Reader’s Digest (p. 29), in a regular column called “Quotable Quotes,” printed what was identified as a Danish proverb. It said: “Better to ask twice than to lose your way once. It seems to me that there is a lot of wisdom in that statement. How many times …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Preacher Support
By P. J. Casebolt The amount of a preacher’s support may be negotiable. A preacher may choose to forego his right to live of the gospel. But the preacher’s right to live of the gospel, is not arbitrary or negotiable, and a preacher should not be placed in the position of having to defend that right …
We Call Them blessed That Endured
By Dan King Sr. How different our perspective can be in viewing people today and those of the past. We have a tendency as human beings to glorify the former days and to set the men and women of those times upon pedestals and see them as almost superhuman. Things now are never precisely as they …
An Open Door
By Carl McMurray No, I’m not speaking of “an open door” for evangelism, as the term is generally used, but of a back door left open for the devil. It is one which I would like to close here. In a recent article on gambling, carried in this magazine (39:2, p. 38, “The Gambling Pendulum”), I …