Church, State, Schools and Our Children: A Concerned Response

By Mark A. Cascairo I wish to respond to an article which appeared in the July 20, 1995, Guardian of Truth written by Michael W. Green of Orange, Texas. The article began with a reference to the First Amendment of the Constitution and ended with the statement, “If you do your job properly, you have nothing …

Characteristics of a Successful Personal Worker

By Raymond E. Harris 1. A clear knowledge of Jesus as Savior. The unconverted church member can expect little success at winning others to Christ. You cannot interest others in serving a Savior you have never really served yourself. You can-not lead someone to where you have never been. A clear knowledge of Jesus as Savior …

The Instructions of Romans 14

By Mike Willis We have been studying Romans 14 to see whether or not inherently sinful conduct is under discussion in this chapter. This chapter has be-come a battleground for fellowship. In every generation, those who have introduced things unauthorized have used Romans 14 to appeal for unity with those who oppose their unauthorized practices. The …